CCV achieves Silver medal in EcoVadis ratings

Arnhem, 20 December 2022 – CCV achieved another milestone in its environmental, social and ethical performance. With our newly acquired Silver medal from EcoVadis, we demonstrate the results of our focus on sustainability. We have now officially reached the top 10 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis in our industry.
Enny van de Velden, CCO at CCV: “CCV is not ‘just a business’. As a financial institution, we carry a tremendous responsibility as well. Therefore, we are transparent, ethical and trustworthy without compromise. This year’s ratings by EcoVadis clearly show that we are doing our part to live up to that promise.”
About EcoVadis
EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000+ rated companies. They objectively rate all companies in various areas of supply chain sustainability, including Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. CCV partners with EcoVadis to collaborate on sustainability with a common platform, universal scorecard, benchmarks and performance improvement tools.
Our rating in 2022
Overall, CCV is now among the top 10 percent companies in our industry rated by EcoVadis. We score especially high in the field of Ethics, where we rank in the top 5 percent.
Overall score
CCV is in the top 10 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Other activities auxiliary to the financial service activities industry.
Sustainable Procurement
CCV is in the top 22 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Other activities auxiliary to the financial service activities industry.
CCV is in the top 5 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Other activities auxiliary to the financial service activities industry.
Our responsibility in 2023 and beyond
CCV is proud to achieve the Silver medal by EcoVadis but this does not mean our job is done. We will continuously improve our performance in the area of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with our newly launched #WeCare programme.
Enny van de Velden: “By deeply embedding CSR in our day-to-day business processes, we are determined to improve our company, our people, and the world around us as much as we can. Ultimately, we aim for EcoVadis’ Platinum status.”
Our promises:
- We play by the book and work proactively to prevent fraud and other forms of misconduct;
- We have a social responsibility to give everyone, even the smallest market vendor or first-time seller, access to seamless and innovative payment solutions;
- We promote environmentally friendly, sustainable business processes throughout;
- We promote fitness and well-being for our employees with our CCVital! programme and organise various activities to learn, grow and connect with each other.
CCV’s WeCare programme is based on ISO2600. Learn more about our CSR programme here.