Accessibility mode, payment by card

Your payment solution and the EAA

What it means for your business and how to stay compliant

If you’re already using CCV payment solutions, there’s no need to worry. Your current devices can remain in the field during the grace period (or the normal end of life of your device, if that is sooner).  The length of the grace period might vary within the EU: e.g. in the Netherlands and Belgium it is 20 years, in Germany it is 15 years.  

Looking to upgrade?

For new purchases, CCV offers future-ready terminals equipped with accessibility features, such as:

  • Voice-guided navigation for clear instructions. 
  • High-contrast screens for better readability. 
  • Tactile support for smooth interaction (available on certain terminal models only.)

These features ensure your business is accessible to everyone, including customers with disabilities, helping you create a welcoming experience for all.

Interesting for you

(Payment) services

You want to make online payment in your webshop as easy as possible for your customers. At CCV you have immediate access to various payment options.

[Client Case] Avance Pay & CCV

A cash register solution as an app on the smart android device CCV Mobile A920.

[Client Case] Avance Pay & CCV – Register now

Android-based payment terminals are still quite new in the market and for some of us unknown territory. 

However, this has not stopped our customer Avance Pay from opting for this new concept in the payment industry. They developed their event cash register app for the CCV Mobile A920.


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About CCV

Reliable, efficient and seamless end-to-end payments, CCV makes it possible at every point in every customer journey.


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The information on this website reflects our current understanding of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) as of 10.02.2025. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. We regularly update this information.