Laws and regulations
As a reliable provider of payment solutions, we are aware at all times of our responsibilities. CCV is a financial service provider, and is therefore under the supervision of various authorities. We also have to comply at all times with the applicable laws and regulations. These are set out in the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft), the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wwft) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), among others.
CCV Group B.V. has two licences under the Dutch Financial Supervision Act: a license for payment institutions and a clearing and settlement company licence.
Supervisory authorities
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)
DNB is legally responsible for specific tasks in the area of prudential supervision. It ensures that financial market players fulfil their financial obligations. Payment is important in our society, and so not just everyone is allowed to offer payment services. DNB licences parties who meet the requirements, and monitors them actively. CCV fulfils these requirements and reports regularly to this supervisor.
Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
The Dutch AFM supervises the conduct of companies that operate on the financial markets, such as CCV. Under the law, CCV must act with integrity and provide adequate information to the parties with which it works.
The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)
The Dutch ACM is an independent supervisor that oversees competition, that is, it ensures that companies do not collude on prices and that no single company becomes too dominant in the market. The purpose of this is to create a level playing field and ensure that companies follow the rules. This protects consumers.
Data Protection Authority (DPA)
Privacy is an increasingly important topic. CCV receives a great deal of information, such as personal data, from its clients and the consumers who carry out a transaction with CCV’s clients. The Dutch Personal Data Authority can verify whether CCV keeps this data secure and meets all legal provisions that apply to personal data. How CCV deals with confidential personal data is included in the privacy statement on our websites.
We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. Our certifications demonstrate our commitment to providing secure and reliable payment solutions, ensuring that our business processes consistently meet all requirements.
Terminal Security
The security of our terminals meets the requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI). Among others, our terminals are certified for:
- ISO 9001: Quality management certification for CCV GmbH. ISO 9001 ensures that quality is at the heart of our organization. This standard is based on seven key principles, which enable us to achieve greater consistency, improved customer satisfaction and stronger performance. The seven principles are: Engagement of people, Customer focus, Leadership, Process approach, Improvement, Evidence-based decision making, Relationship management. You can find the certificate here.
Payment Processing Services
As a licensed ‘Afwikkelonderneming’ under De Nederlansche Bank (DNB), CCV processes payment transactions within a secure, dedicated domain. Our payment processing services hold the following certifications:
- PCI Data Security Standard: international standard for the protection of payment transaction data.
- ISO/IEC 27001: international standard to manage information security.
- PCI PIN Security: international standard for the protection of personal identification numbers.
- Service Organization Controls 1 Type II (based on ISAE 3402): assurance report for financial auditors of acquirers (note: ISAE 3402 is not a formal certification).
Remuneration policy
CCV Group has adopted a Remuneration Policy fitting into the, its aims, its company values and the long-term interest of CCV Group.
You can find our Remuneration Policy here.